Travel Advisor
Employee Benefits
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Employee Benefit FAQ’S

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Frequently Asked Questions

Adding a travel package to your companies current benefits plan is simple and has huge impact.
May I use my membership to book travel for family and friends?

Yes and no, the private membership benefits are for the members, partners and immediate family only. We do not allow booking for friends, unless they are traveling with members on the same trip or vacation, the “Members Only” specials are reserved for the member only.

Does Xullu offer Corporate/Business travel management?

No, Xullu is a leisure travel agency, we do not offer business travel arrangements.

What are the health benefits of using our Travel Program?

Traveling the world isn’t just fun and exciting; there’s ample research to suggest it’s highly beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional health as well. Traveling has been associated with a decrease in heart disease risk, lower stress levels, and improved physical activity and well-being.

  1. Travel Makes You Healthier
  2. Travel Relieves Stress
  3. Travel Enhances Your Creativity
  4. Travel Lowers the Risk of Depression.
How will the platform benefit our employees?
  • What we see is as people come back from that travel experience, it’s like they come back rejuvenated. Their stress levels are down, they feel better than when they left, they have more energy. We see a different person when they comeback from a leisure travel experience.
  • It can be difficult to disconnect from work properly. That’s why it’s more important than ever that workers take full advantage of their paid time off. The problem is the cost of travel is prohibitive.
  • Travel providers will offer special rates to Xullu that aren't available through online travel sites, there by creating unique value that employees associate directly with their employer.
  • Your employees will save money with guaranteed discounts on over 1 million hotels, all major cruise lines, resorts, All-inclusive resorts and tour vacations PLUS shore excursions and complete travel packages
  • We have a U.S. office staffed by Vacation Specialists so your employees and members can speak to a real person when they call and receive truly unbeatable service!
  • Travel refreshes employees and is good for overall well being. That’s because when employees return to work, they often feel re-energized and rejuvenated, ready to tackle their next goals.
How will our platform benefit your company
  • Illustrates the company encourages employees have a solid work-life balance.
  • Shows the employee you appreciate their hard work.
  • Will help you retain existing employees.
  • Will assist you in attracting qualified potential candidates.
  • Employers are beginning to add travel benefits packages, to compete with the hot job market while attracting and retaining employees who want to prioritize their wellbeing.
  • Travel benefits have helped corporations earn some of the highest retention rates. With employees still working remotely or in a hybrid capacity, you need to introduce unique benefits that can be enjoyed from anywhere.
  • With Xullu’s travel platform, employers can enable employees the ability to do more than grant vacation days, they can assist in making them affordable so they can see and do more with their limited vacation dollars.
What do the members’ travel benefits offer?

Members will have access to wholesale rates globally in the following travel products

  1. 1 million+ hotels worldwide
  2. All Ocean and River cruises
  3. Vacation resorts
  4. Resort condominiums
  5. Vacation homes
  6. All-Inclusive resorts
  7. Family Vacation specials
  8. Week-end getaway specials
  9. Tour packages
  10. Exceptional 5 star service
How do we join?

This is a quite simple process-Firstly, the company or organization must enroll with the Xullu Employee Benefits Program.Then the company may add all or part of their employees from its organization on our platform as a private member, we will create an account in our system and issue them a username and password where they will have immediate access to all the travel benefits. Currently the program does not accept individual membership.

What is the Employee Benefits (EB) Travel Program?

The employee travel benefits program is closed-ended travel platform, it is designed for companies, associations,Charities, and special interest groups. The platform is not available to thegeneral public. Xullu provides exceptional value for our members through our relationshipsand buying power which gives us the ability to offer travel products for less than the online retail travel sites.

In addition, we enable our clients to have a branded travel platform for the exclusive use of their employees and /or members.

We put the buying power of our member base to work to deliver deep discounts on travel that are not available to the public. 

Xullu has reimagined and transformed the host travel agency industry

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